Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tempting. Very Tempting

My kickball captain sent me a link to The Uniform Project. She said when she saw it, she thought of me. :) I totally dig that.

The project revolves around the idea of wearing the same basic dress every day for 365 days straight and jazzing it up with accessories and layers. (the girl has seven copies of the dress so it doesn't get gross) She takes a picture each day and allows for viewers to rate her style. I find that viewing the month of outfits really helps you get a sense of the project.

It sounds like it would a really fun idea. The nice thing is that you outfit is partially planned for you. Lately, I have had such a problem trying to get dressed in the morning. Part of this has to do with the weather, part with the fact that I needed to do laundry, then I did laundry but didn't bother to put stuff away right away, and then there is the appropriate for work vs what is comfortable. Once I can get the base of the outfit down, I have a blast adding the extras, but lately I haven't been able to really think about the extras as I have been racing out the door to get to work on time. Yeah, so, this would really help.

But, unfortunately, there is no way I could pull it off. No matter much I love the funky extras, I think I would crave the ability to really just wear something completely different. I have too many favorite pieces and while I don't really care if I match regularly, I do need to feel that I look decent, ya know?

Wellm I raise my glass to this girl. GOOD LUCK!

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