Is there really any food more deserving of it's own post than bacon? I don't think so. And even vegetarians will admit that bacon is an intriguing meat.
I found this on Passive Aggressive Notes . The post has provided my friends and I hours of laughter. Between "soyfucker" and "ps bacon is life" the set of notes is pricessless :)
A friend of mine tweeted about this amazing new product, bacon flavored envelopes. Imagine how much more enjoyable having to lick all 40 of my Christmas Card envelopes would have been if I got a hint of bacon and salt with each seal? I would be happier with the task, not that I don't thoroughly adore sending them, I just hate that gluey taste.
The site mentions Bacon Salt. Trust me, it is a real thing. A good friend received a some as a gift. It was completely used up in a matter of months. He reported back to us that it really did provide some serious bacon flavor. I never got to taste it, but it has been on my list of things to purchase, as I feel like it might be a nice add-on for things like salads, or veggies in general.
The final site worth mentioning would be here you can see why bacon is better than love. They make a very compelling case...don't you think?
Couldn't help myself with this post, don't worry I'll get back to shoes and skirts
2 hours ago
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