I can now say that I am now a proud owner of a purple vacuum. It is a Shark, which my sister assured me was a good brand. As soon as I saw it on display, I knew I wanted it for three reasons.
1. It is a stand up vacuum
2. The middle can be popped out to be a hand vac
3. It is cordless!
The one downside is that I have to wait 24 hours before I can take her for a spin around the apartment. I mean I probably won't actually get around to vacuuming until Tuesday, 20 minutes before some friends come over
for pizza and martinis...
As I was tooling around the store, I happened upon the Britta aisle. I have wanted a Britta forever. In the past, a roommate would have one to contribute to the communal kitchen, or I just abused my water cooler privileges at work. But with this heat, I would like to have access to filtered water at any moment, there is just something about the tap water here that I do not like. I have been waiting for Brittas to go on sale, and not only were they sale, but came with a $5 Target gift card and came in fun colors! I went with lime green. When I think kitchen I think green - typically avocado but lime works too - and I just had to have it.
I've got that same Brita!