I know, I know. Enough with the bacon!! Where are the pictures of pretty things, like clothes and shoes and tutus. Well, I promise to make a better effort to post about that, but there has just been so much great bacon related news and products.
Earlier this week I retweeted the following:
RT @helloross This bouquet is just for you, @LoniLove.http://yfrog.com/hsttnvmhj
I got really excited. In general, I am not that into roses, I wouldn't say no to 12 long stems if a suitor was trying to woo me over, but they aren't my favorite by a long shot. Just throwing it out there universe, I love orange wild flowers. Thanks
No sooner did I retweet Ross Matthews, did my aunt send me an email with the subject of "I know you are a bacon fan..." The body was simply a link to Bacon Roses
Yes, I now know how to make my own set of bacon roses. These will be made for some future brunch, I promise you. I just need to find my electric drill...
5 hours ago
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