Monday, October 31, 2011

Salad Spinner for my Delicates

A salad spinner has been on my kitchen wish list for a few months (years) now. The item has been passed over by more necessary kitchen appliances such as garlic presses and doughnut makers. While the salad spinner is quite cool and I hate soggy salads, I have to be true to myself and admit that I don't particularly care for salad and really love garlic sauces and doughnuts a whole heck of a lot better.
Recently, I came across an invention that has the same properties as the spinner but would be way more useful to me and my life style.

If you read through the instructions you will totally see the connection. This is a salad spinner for laundry. I don't care that it costs 5x as much as the lettuce version. I want one, and I want one now...or for Christmas...but definitely soon...ish

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Did you think I forgot about you? Naay

Last night I killed some time at Forever 21 with a friend prior to heading over to Happy Hour. It has probably been about 10 years since the last time I stepped in a Forever 21, the store has always just rubbed me the wrong way. Between the decor and the clothes that fall apart, I just didn't get it. Now, I (kinda) do.

Everything I browsed through was under $10. Shirts, skirts, and jewelry, you name it! Bras! There, I named something else, they were $6.50.

As I walked around trying my best to stay away from temptation, I then wandered in the accessories section. Most people know I have a soft spot for owls (see Owls are so in!) but in all reality, I love most animal inspired jewelry. When I saw this horse ring, I had to snag it. The ring was only $3.80! How do you say no to that???

For just a brief second, I had buyers remorse. Who needs such a 3-dimensional horse ring? Then I remembered, I do. Even though it is a little on the big side, I am very pleased and opted to incorporate it into my look today.