Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What's that humming noise?

That would be Google Buzz.

If you have dug your heels in hard and decided you were too cool for gmail, well, you might not know what the buzz is about. (Apologizing for the lame joke) But google decided that Twitter and Facebook were not enough for those who love to social network. To help us all express ourselves a little bit more, they released Google Buzz this week.

At first when I read about this new feature, I thought, why would I need this program? Twitter takes care of my 140 character or less thoughts and facebook lets me look at pictures. I feel exhausted updating status messages all over the place and I already have them in gchat.

Well, you know what? It is only day one and I am already hooked. Having a twitter like feature in my gmail makes life faster and easier. Now if I see something that I feel is share worthy, I don't put it in my chat status, I can use buzz - which is something I really do prefer. I liked changing the status messages but I hate that they interrupt gchats by showing up in the grayed out font.

We all know Google is pretty baller. Clearly, they want us to stay inside of the world of gmail as much as possible, and it is now my one stop shop for email, chatting and status updates. I am a very happy camper. They also opted to mimic facebook in that you can comment on other people's statuses. Perhaps they were just dying to use this function since it was part of Google Wave, and we all know that was a dud.

They allow for you to link in twitter, blogs, or picasso to your Buzz. I had highheelsshortskirt linked for the first few hours, but I have since delinked them. As much as I love that my friends read this blog, I don't want to stuff it down their every time I post. I think I might use the feature for the other blogs I have been playing around with but have yet to debut...

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