New Year's resolutions are silly, I know. People make a number declarations about how they will quit smoking, join a gym, and eat healthier. Others will read the classics, cut down on tv, or start hiking. A month later, old habits return and gyms make out by taking in new memberships but don't have to worry about dealing with an increase of visitors to the facilities. Wait, now that I think about it, many people make a resolution to join a gym, they don't often specify that they will ever step into it afterward, so I guess that means they went through with their plans. Just a thought.
Please don't read this as me saying that I am above making resolutions, I made two on my blog on January 1st and since then have added a few more as ways to improve my quality of life. I am a realist in the sense that I know putting join a gym on the list is a silly way for me to throw away money, but I will look into either another social sport to play, I'm looking your way broomball and touch football, or a dance class. Maybe if I find a really good deal I could find myself frequenting a pilates or yoga studio.
One of my new resolutions that I have found easy to implement and is already providing me with amazing results is cleaning for 15 minutes each day. I had read about a resolution like this before, in fact, I might mentioned this idea at least 2 other times in the blog - clearly it didn't stick. For the last few days I have gone home and done a 15 minute clean. I think I am able to get more done in that quarter of an hour than I do when I try cleaning for an hour because I knew that it would be over soon and I wanted to be productive.
If you tend to let your apartment/house/condo get messy and then feel overwhelmed at the idea of tidying up, this process is totally for you. :) I'll spare you the rest of my resolutions because A) that can be boring to read and B) in case they don't stick you won't know I failed.
2 hours ago
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