Monday, May 23, 2011

Gaga for Amazon Prime

Totally woke up to an email with the subject of:

Amazon Student: $0.99 Today Only -- Lady Gaga's New Album

Let's just say that it took of all .000001 seconds for me to click the purchase button. Amazon Prime is my favorite thing in the world, and letting me get the Gaga CD on the release day for less than a dollar is amazing.

I am also digging the Amazon Cloud. Any time you download music, it will get stored on the cloud first, and then you can download it to you computer. Since I have downloaded the Amazon Mp3 app on my Android, I can now jam out to this stuff on my phone! I was able to listen to Born This Way on my commute to work, which was a God send, as it was commencement, which meant that I had to park off campus in a field...a very muddy field. Gaga helped me power through the inconvenience.

UPDATE: Apparently I had gotten a coupon code in recent months and added it to my account, as I just got my "bill" and it shows that I had a discount of .99 making my total due $0!!!

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