This weekend when I was home I started reading "The Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell. It is a pretty easy read and I am about half way done. It talks about how success is not just about skill. Success, according to what I have read thus far, has something to do with intelligence, common sense, 10,000 hours of practice, being in the right place at the right time and being born in the correct year.
When you are born is something you really have no control over. But basically, Gladwell shows that age does matter. For example, in the list of individuals that were worth the most over the course of history, 9 out of 75 were born within nine years of each other in America in the 1830s. They were all just the right age to start up businesses right as America began it's Industrial Revolution. Gladwell shows how the high ups in both Microsoft and Apple were born between 1953 and 1955. It is really kind of interesting.
The point of this? Well, I think my peers and I were born in a very unique time. The economy was awesome when we joined and now that we are here, well, it kind of sucks. I was hoping to only be in my current job for about 2 years, by then I figured I would have learned what I could and be ready to move on. Two years has come and gone, I am still here.
I am not the only one. My mom sent me this article, "Stuck in a crappy job - tough", not that I am saying my job is crappy. What I am saying is this article talks about how employees in their twenties are stuck. They can't leave their job since the market is so bad without lining something else up, but there is no where to go because no one is hiring. Thus, people are stuck in jobs that they would normally grow out of. I hope things change soon. I would like to grow a bit more, use some new brain cells, and get some new challenges.
Let's keep our fingers crossed that 1983 was not a bad year to be born.
1 hour ago
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