Shaquille O'Neal and Ben Stein just answered the Comcast phone line. Honestly thought that I stumbled upon Shaq's home phone number on accidenct or something. Completely threw me for a loop until I heard Ben Stein's voice and remember their weird commercials.
Waited on hold for about 10 minutes. Not too bad considering. I mean I used to work at a call center back in the day and with about 50 plus of us answering the phone the wait would still get to about 40 minutes, if not more. Which reminds me, complaining that you were on hold for the first two minutes of a call only furthers the wait time for others. Please just think about that.
Anyway, I just spoke with nicest Comcast representative. She totally got me this amazing 2 year contract offer - which can be moved if I end up having to move (I hope that I don't as moving is such a pain!). But basically I am getting every channel I could possibly want, plus HBO, plus a free DVR subscription and internet. W00t!!! The only downside is that I couldn't get an appointment for before I leave for my two week trip. So I guess no Shark Week for me this year. As a friend of my said toi ne when I told him this exact news "haha it's a cruel harsh world we live in".
1 hour ago
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