If ever a game needed a play by play it was tonight...here is mine:
The place was field one. The day was Monday. The time was 8:31 pm. The pink team had a choice; call the forfeit because the maroons were short a girl and past the 15 minute mark or give them 3 minutes for their two girls to run from the T. Pinks decided that they were in it to win it, and allowed for the game to go on even though we only had 10 people ourselves. We knew it was going to be hard, especially since we were the lower seed and so onto the field we went.
The maroons had 13 people (with 5 girls) and never allowed for more than four females on the field at any given time. In fact, they were told every inning to get the fourth out there. With the game delay the pink team forgot to start the game with a cheer and allowed 3 runs in the first inning. To get back the focus, the pink team regrouped and went with the rolling "goooooo pink". And well, that was the game.
The next inning one of our players lost his pants, and the pink still couldn't get a run, but neither did the other team. The third inning, still down by three, the pink started with a walk by yours truley (strutting all the way in spandex shorts thank you very much). This may or may not have annoyed a certain maroon captain. Our tall outfielder got up to the plate and kicked a solid single; so man on first and girl on second. Our pitcher went up to the plate, kicked a few fowl balls and then KICKED THE LIVING SHIT out of the ball. Our outfielder had to basically start walking behind me so that I could score before him, with the pitcher not too far behind us and then it was 3-3 BITCHES!!!!
Nothing happened in the fourth. (except where I may have pissed off enough of the maroon team calling them assholes, shushing their captain when she tried to dispute a call, and generally getting in their way as much as possible while playing catcher - may have blown in some guy's neck because he chose to stand as close to me as possible...). The pressure was on to wrap this game up within five innings. The refs (blue team) were being super fair but told us to get our A-Game on as turns out the maroon team totally cheated against them in the cambridge league and they did not want to see them get to the next level. The ref's had their team slowly show up along with some cheerleaders and all of them were on side. With that kind of fan support, we were able to bring the score to 6-3!!!! The maroon being the higher seed had last at bats and well, they never got past second. CUZ WE WON!!!!!!
Apparently most people don't like this team. We have had some haters on us because of our flair and general ridiculousness. But these people were just freaking intense. They ASSIGNED positions. I know. Insane. Think good things for us on Wednesday!!! We have a title to defend!!!!
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