Monday, October 4, 2010

Diet Salt?

To help prevent stress in my life, I want to start getting up at 6 am, rather than 7:15, so I can get a small workout done in my living room before work. To get to this point, I am slowly getting myself accumulated to waking up earlier. Right now my alarm goes off at 6:30. Since this doesn't give me enough time to wake up enough to function and follow direction, I am just enjoying the morning at a slower pace.

Part of my morning now allows for me to eat breakfast at home, rather than at my desk, while watching some early morning tv. Occasionally when I turn on the set an infomercial is playing. I love these ads as the host is always so over the top. Recently, I saw a new one for a product that I can only describe as "diet salt".

Sensa is a weight loss product that you simply shake onto your meal and then you are done. The ad says no drugs or pills, but I have to think that Sensa falls under one of those two categories. Just because it is a powder doesn't prevent it from being a drug. I mean, if this powder rule is true, Lindsay Lohan should be allowed out of rehab!

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