Friday, October 1, 2010

I am an addict

As of Wednesday morning, I decided I would admit to myself, and my friends, that I am a potato and french onion dip addict and I need to stop. It was a hard for me to put this embarrassing fact out there to the world and stop cold turkey. I mean I have had chips and dip in my apartment for almost a year straight. As soon as the bag of chips or dip container emptied, I would be sure to buy more supplies. And yes, sometimes, I would eat the combination for dinner. Not my most proudest moment, by as a recovering addict, I know that part of the process is acknowledging the bad behaviors.

Now, I would appreciate it if you kept your chuckles to yourself, many people suffer from French Onion Dip Addictions. I was talking with a group of people at a bar just the other day and some how we got on this topic. One of the girls yelled out that her friend was currently trying to quit it. I felt for that girl, and hope she is still going strong.

With two days in, I am already feeling the urges surfacing to throw my hands up and then into a bowl of ruffles. This afternoon, I made the executive decision that Doritos are made of corn, and therefore, it is ok for me to splurge on those. They are the methadone to my heroin. I never said this battle would be easy, but eventually I hope to be able to attend a party and not hover over the snack table at all.

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