Thursday, October 7, 2010

SO FUZZY...I could die

Today I decided I wanted a pet bunny. But not a big rabbit. I want a dwarf bunny. I would prefer if he were really really really teeny. I don't have a lot of space a regular sized bunnies need really big cages. I just want a small bunny so he can have a smaller cage. Also, he would be easier to pick up. My only fear with having a small bunny is that he could be easily misplaced.

To my parents, who may or may not be reading this, you can feel reassured I will most likely give up on this plan by the time I get to my econ class. Something else will become more pressing in my mind, like a new pair of boots, leaving me with less disposable income and therefore keeping me bunnyless.

1 comment:

  1. Those cute little fuzzy bunnies grow into big fat rabbits!!
