I have been told that I am a prime target for most commercials. I will laugh at almost any corny joke and love pop culture references. Recently I found myself ignoring the large number of recorded movies and shows in my DVR and begun surfing live tv. I stumbled upon a few great commercials which reminded me how much I love this medium and am so happy the CLIO Awards exist. Here are a few that I found to be particularly amusing:
As much as I was over the Jersey Shore once they hit Miami and lost some of their tacky charm. I do enjoy Snooki's pistachio ad. Great use of the tanning bed, now that she has to revert to spray tans to keep that natural orange glow. I don't understand how one of the pickle companies didn't think to snatch her up for an ad campaign with them.
What is even better than a Snooki commercial? One featuring Kevin Bacon! I have probably watched this commercial 10 or so times, and will admit that the first time I saw it, it didn't register that it was actually Kevin. Yup, sometimes I am a little slow.
Finally, the last commercial worth noting comes from Healthy Choice lunches. Really the best part is the beginning when the guy just makes the woman wait because he can. Part of my job requires me to work at a counter and there are days that I get annoyed at my clientele and will make people wait just because I find them irritating. Oh the joys of customer service...
2 hours ago
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