Sunbeam makes a Donut Maker! In minutes you can go from no donuts in the house to FIVE fresh and warm circles of love!
The ad doesn't indicate if a recipe book comes with the machine itself, but I am sure Sunbeam wouldn't leave me hanging. Either way, I would have no issue researching the best way to create delicious donuts.
While this phenomenal machine is being sold for the low low price of $39.99. Normally, I would have no problem pulling out the credit card for this purchase, but it is the Christmas season. Therefore, not a ton of discretionary income laying around to provide myself with silly do-dads.
Maybe there are some Christmas (and birthday) elves (there are totally birthday elves out there don't try and argue me on that one) and I, too, can be a proud owner of a donut making machine.
1 hour ago
I want this.