Yesterday I decided that I really needed to be active in my life. I did what females do when they can't control their lives, I decided to make an alteration to my appearance, so I called up my hairdresser to make an appointment.
I have been going to my hairdresser since I was four years old - so yes, he has seen me in my most hideous stages of life. Going to him was easy when I lived with my parents and when I would come home from school break. Now I travel from Cambridge to southern RI every time I need need a cut and highlight, I realize this is not the most sane decision. Fortunately for me I am a very lazy female and only make myself do this once a year.
My appointment was for 1:30 today and I spent a good 2 hours in the salon talking with my stylist. During the two hours we talked about life, love and happiness. He is kind of a like a guru for me. Our birthdays are 363 days and 19 years apart, we are both Capricorns and have a common interest in astrology. Now, I feel like I need to point out that he is very straight, very big, very tattooed, very Italian and rides a motorcycle to work in the summers. Our conversation was very enlightening this afternoon, I left feeling like I had a fire lit under my ass again and am ready to do great things when I head back up to Boston on Monday. It is always weird to see who or what can motivate you. This spontaneous hair cut was really what the doctor ordered.
During our time together he let me know that he recently started going to church every week. He suggested that I should think about it as it has helped him clear his head. I think I will take his advice and head over in a few to the five pm mass. Maybe time in church will be good for me...
UPDATE: I stopped at the ATM to get money for the collection plate, made it to the church BEFORE five so that I wouldn't miss anything and saw that the parking lot was already full. Then I noticed people coming out. Yes, I forgot that in the church schedule changes for the winter season, mass was at 4. FML
5 hours ago
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