Jazz Funk has yet again saved the day. Been feeling a little draggy lately (and not the fab RuPaul kind, more like the down Eeyore) and need a pick-me-up in a major way. Man I have been using "major" way often lately, it might be my new super. Really, if you need something to do, I would suggest finding a local dance class, something really informal where you can laugh at your mistakes. Mistakes like oh say when you completely face-plant from trying to do a double spin -- yeah it's not like I would know what that feels like....
At this point I would say I have become one of the regulars...we all have a great time pretending we are one of the pussycat dolls :) The sass level is astronomical in there. Oh man, jazzfunk is wonderful.
Side note: This is good, you really want to continue with this story. As I was walking to class from work I was stuck behind this couple with a kid in a stroller on Mass Ave. An orange piece of thin rectangular plastic was dropped and the kid immediately let the parents know she wanted it back! The woman quickly picked it up and handed it to her. The woman than said "God forbid she looses that straw". The man immediately followed with "oh great, and right back into the mouth it goes". I honestly laughed out loud. One big HA! Part of me wanted to turn around end let the parents know that dirt is good for their kid, but decided against that one. I mean I had just laughed at them.
5 hours ago
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