Friday, February 13, 2009


It is FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH! and a super cool person's birthday (no not mine but that was a good guess) So in honor of the day I've thrown together some fun facts. Enjoy!

*In 2009 we will have three of Friday the 13ths: February, March and November!

*paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th

*The fear of Friday the 13th stems from two separate fears -- the fear of the number 13 and the fear of Fridays. Both fears have deep roots in Western culture, most notably in Christian theology.

Thirteen is significant to Christians because it is the number of people who were present at the Last Supper (Jesus and his 12 apostles). Judas, the apostle who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th member of the party to arrive.

Christians have traditionally been wary of Fridays because Jesus was crucified on a Friday. Additionally, some theologians hold that Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit on a Friday, and that the Great Flood began on a Friday. In the past, many Christians would never begin any new project or trip on a Friday, fearing they would be doomed from the start.

*Both Friday and the number 13 were once closely associated with capital punishment. In British tradition, Friday was the conventional day for public hangings, and there were supposedly 13 steps leading up to the noose.

*On a Friday the 13th in 1306, King Philip of France arrested the revered Knights Templar and began torturing them, marking the occasion as a day of evil.

*Friday the 13th was first released in 1980 and has been redone (because as we all know the movie production studios can't think of a new story line to save their asses) and will be released today!

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