I am my father's daughter. If Dirty Dancing is on a channel I get on my tv, it is subsequently playing on my tv. Just now I was looking for something to keep me occupied while eating some beans, there was an hour left of the movie on Encore Drama, I entered the movie when the Dad had to fix the problem for Penny. Now Baby just asked "Have you had many women?". If you are a true fan, you know exactly what scenes I am talking about.
This movie is just such a comfort for me. Growing up every Sunday TBS would be showing either Ghost or Dirty Dancing in the morning. We would put in on while we waited for the football games to start up in the fall. At least my dad and I had an excuse to have it on from August to January...February - July not so much. My mom did not understand our love for the movie. Often she would come downstairs grab the remote off the couch and go to change the station. We would object and she would counter that we had already seen this movie 239492 times. Again we would object and she would return to the upstairs to watch her program. Ah memories
This movie is up there with Princess Bride. But the best part is that I don't need to own it, as it really is on all the time. If you haven't seen the movie, you really need to. It is clearly iconic -- I mean people reenact the final number at their weddings these days :)
Speaking of great first dances at a wedding. Here is the by far the best I've seen. I am sure you all remember this couple, they made it on Ellen because of this.
5 hours ago
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