When we last left the tale of the broke little-thingy-that-turns-off-my-car-alarm I was simply annoyed and concerned that I was unable to use my vehicle for the next few days. My friend was forced to take a cab back to her house as I had no way of getting her there myself. Shortly into the 4 mile journey her cab driver hit a car that had paused to let a light flashing/siren screaming firetruck by. Fortunately nobody was injured. Eventually they continued on their way and she was dropped off at her house, free of charge and given a promise of five addition free rides from the driver if she so desired. Now, if the little black thing on my key chain actually worked, this would have been avoided.
Now, had I been able to drive her home, I would have then been forced to park my car in a new spot on the street. That seems pretty silly to mention, I know, but sadly it is not. I awoke this morning with the idea to get a new battery for the stupid thing in the hopes that a new charge was all it needed. After a trip to Radio Shack and walk around the square, I returned home.
The battery was all I needed, but as soon as my excitement for my car alarm finally deactivating came over me, a feeling of annoyance over powered it immediately. Someone stuck a bright orange envelope in my side door. I was ticketed for leaving my car in the same space for over 48 hours! Stupidest rule ever. I will be appealing this ticket with the explanation that if I could have moved my car, I would have, I sadly just could not get into it....oh well.
5 hours ago
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