Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We are in the final countdown!

Meet my small little Christmas Tree

While my dinner was in the oven, I decided that I should go down to my storage space and bring up my little Christmas tree. He was very happy to come out of the box and all of the lights still work. His new home is next to my awesome blue vintage chairs (you can see one in the background - some people think they are ugly, those people don't have my vision of awesomeness). It was actually hard to find a place for him because I don't have an extension cord. Eeep, that is going on my list of things needed for the apartment. I do need still find my box of ornaments and tacky decorations, but that might be for tomorrow.

The need to put together my tree came from walking through CVS and seeing all sorts of holiday tackiness that was there to bought. At this point, I need to inform you how very proud of myself I am, I did not make any impulsive purchases tonight. While I was good tonight, please don't read into that statement as me saying I return sometime after this weekend since I am working both Friday and Saturday night - extra money!!!

Speaking of my second job, which is helping me stay in the black in general, and get me through the holidays specifically, Black Friday was the first day that I made a holiday gift purchase. Believe it or not, by that point I already felt like I was behind. One of my friends let me know she not only got my birthday present (my birthday often gets over shone by Jesus...) but also my Christmas one! When I heard this, I felt like I was a terrible person. Now it is December 1st and I have completed my sister's present, started my parents and one of my friends. I feel like I am in a good place. I haven't really figured out who I am shopping for exactly. But I DID get Christmas cards today. That is a relief. I need to figure out addresses and make lists. Christmas cards are my favorite tradition, I have been giving them out since freshman year of high school. I think I need to schedule a night to write them. Oh! Maybe I'll see if some friends want to come over and hang out while I do them...and they can do theirs too...it would be cute...maybe?

Oh I love holidays but it is overwhelming decorating, shopping, partying and celebrating on top of everything else. Only 23 more shopping days till Christmas!!!

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