Sunday, February 20, 2011

Beauty in Ballet

Every so often I get the urge to be "cultured". Often I consider attending a ballet, but in the end I know I can only handle so much action without a narration. In the end I will settle for watching a movie about ballet, Center Stage anyone? Watching a professional dancer is hypnotic, even in Black Swan, no matter how undernourished Natalie looked, I couldn't take my eyes off her movements.

Ballerina bodies are quite remarkable, even from afar, a viewer can make out the definition in their form. In a recent New Yorker article, we get a brief glance into a coffee table book which focuses in on ballet. The three pictures below are my favorites. The last has no dancers, but I find it to be the one I would most want framed and hung in my apartment.

Photographs are by Cade Martin

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