Sunday, February 27, 2011

MKO was robbed!

I saw an advertisement for Beastly the other day. The movie stars a High School Musical girl and some other dude. These two actors are the top billed on all the print ads I've seen and so with this in mind, I assumed that I would have no desire to see it. Then I saw the trailer on tv, and man did I swing 180 on that decision.

Mary Kate Olsen is in this movie!!! The commercial shows her for just a moment but just as she disappeared from the screen I knew it was her. Not for a second did I think that was Ashley, I just knew. How in the world is she not on the posters? I get that her adult movie role choices have not been the best, but she is still way more famous than these two. Who cares if she is a supporting cast member, she is freaking MK Olsen.

I gather she is the wicked witch, or just the witch since the guy has it coming to him (remember this is an updated version of Beauty & the Beast). From this still, I would say she is pulling off the creepy and intensity just fine. Now I need to find time hit up the theaters...something tells me I will find time to see this before I get to The Fighter or The Kings Speech.

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