Sunday, September 27, 2009

Getting my mom interested in woot.

So when I first came back from Alaska, I felt like I really needed to do something nice for my parents. They did pay for the trip. But at the same time they know that I have really no money, so it would have to be small gestures or else I think they would try to give it back. My father is really hard to shop for and so I usually fail when I try. But my mom is a little easier. Probably because she goofy like me. Don't get me wrong, my dad is very goofy, but he has a different way of showing it.

Anyway, my mom told us how after teaching for what seems like forever, RI is now changing the curriculum requirements for middle school. She now has to teach astronomy. But not astrology. At least it was added after the whole Pluto getting demoted from planet to celestial body. Hopefully, her textbooks are new enough they also only show 8 planets. I wonder what the new pneumatic is to learn the planets is now. I mean it is no longer true that My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas. Maybe she served us nothing? How sad.

It just so happened that on they had a shirt out for sale called "You're not one of us anymore, Pluto". I ordered it for her and called to let her know something was coming in the mail her way. It was supposed to arrive the first week of September but I kind of forgot about it. But while we were talking on the phone today, the shirt came into my mind and I asked her if she ever got a shirt in the mail. She got so excited and asked if it was from me because there was no paperwork with it. The only sad thing was they sent her a kids size 10 rather than a woman's medium. In the end she has decided to email to see if they will do something for her. In the mean time she is deciding between ordering a bigger size on her own or going for the chemist. (see below) Which funny enough, was the daily t-shirt that had sold out the afternoon I got her the Pluto one. She was having a great time going through the site looking at all the shirts. I think she might become a woot addict. :)

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