Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I think the words you are looking for are Fizzy Juice

Burger King came out with a new breakfast menu a few months ago. I am sure that you have either seen the ads on tv or heard them on the radio. One of the new items that is getting highlighted is their Mimosa.

When I first heard the ad, I said to myself "whaaaaaaaaaaaaa?". Since when can you get an alcoholic drink to go? Well, at the end of the ad there is a disclaimer that says, BK Mimosa does not contain alcohol.

Last time I checked there were two ingredients needed to great this breakfast treat - orange juice and champagne (or sparkling wine). I assumed that they just were adding soda to the juice so that it would have the carbonation. After a quick trip to Google, I found out that I was right on the money. This "mimosa" is no more than orange juice and sprite. I do love this combination, my church back home uses this exact recipe to make a punch for children whenever there is a post-mass reception. To this day, I would opt for the punch over the wine, but I still would not consider this a mimosa in any way shape or form.

Please, Burger King, don't just throw mimosa around like it doesn't mean something. There is nothing worse than getting fizzy juice when you are expecting to have your B.A.C. increased.

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