Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Funky Fresh

After holiday and new year sales are my favorite. They are usually better than what you can find on Black Friday and the stores are more relaxed as they last for a good week or so. This year I was able to meet up with girls on January 2nd for recreational shopping.

I feel like it is important to disclose that there are some rules to my shopping habits for this new year. From now until an undetermined date, I am only allowed to purchase professional clothing. No pink, no tutus, no short skirts, and heels can be high only if they are professional! I hope I can keep to this resolution, if you will. There is a small loop hole - if I can get more work with my part-time job, I may be able to give myself gifts here and there, but nothing in the immediate future.

One of the girls met me on the T, so I gave her a run down on my rules and asked her to smack my hand away if I started to stray. Further details were disclosed that there was a big need for new pants and some sweaters/winter tops. Every spring/summer I am sure to purchase new summer dresses, every winter, I wear stuff I bought in college - this needed to be fixed.

After a few hours of wandering through the Prudential and Copley malls I was able to come away with a great new blazer (regular $120, purchased for $65), two sweaters (each regularly $40, combined came to $30), and much needed face wash (sadly no deal). I enjoyed the experience immensely, was a little bummed I couldn't complete the look with some pants. The lack of pants wasn't because they weren't out there, the reason was because of the funk...

Specially, some funky smells in a dressing room. I had seen sales at particularly nice store and went into try on some long pants. As soon as I entered into the changing room and closed the curtain, I wanted out immediately! I just can't understand how a such a small store can let that happen. Part of me wanted to say something, but in the end I felt like I would rather just get some fresh air stat! I understand that the weather was wet and so there were a lot of factors that could have contributed to the wet dog/mold/b.o. smell that drifted in my nose. But this store has been in Boston for a long time. Why not just put one of those air freshener things in a wall outlet or something. The kind that smell like fresh laundry...

All I can say is that the store lost a potential sale simply because I couldn't bring myself to stay long enough to find a pair of pants I really wanted to keep. Oh, well. I'm sure someone else will get my business...

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