Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Newest Accessory of the Season!

Purse puppies are so last season. The chihuahua is a thing of the past. I mean who wants to have to take care of a dog that gets exhausted from simple walking and requires sugar water to become re-energized. Elle Woods may have been someone to strive to be, who wants to be Paris?

Britain has a the new "it" pet. The teeny pig!! They are the size of a tea cup and go for about £700 (this equates to about $1,116.92). Rupert Grint aka Ron has one! I have loved pigs for so long now and totally have wanted one as a pet, but they big and well big. So instead I had hound dogs. But this would be an awesome solution to wanting a pig but not having the space for a potbelly!

I wonder if the apartment would be ok with me acquiring one. I can have up to one cat, but no dogs. I wonder where pigs fall in on this spectrum. I mean I think he could just live in the apartment. He would totally love living here with me. I just know it.

Here's a video! With tons of fun facts!

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