Thursday, May 13, 2010

I should just become a clown.

Whenever I begin to get overwhelmed (this averages to about once a month) I remind myself that in order to fly one has to leap. Which means I try to live life as aggressively as possible. The upside to this philosophy is that my life tends to change every 5 weeks or so. While I am constantly juggling all my commitments, things stay interesting by the mere fact that various jobs or activities are being added and subtracted regularly.

Currently I have a full-time job, 2 part-time jobs (as of the May 22nd), kickball, a running program and an intense social life (which includes a number of weddings and graduation events in the near future). Come this fall, kickball will most likely fall to the wayside but I will pick up night school. Yes, I am aware that a love life was not in these lists, but, hey, I just don't have time. I can only hope that I meet someone who is just as busy as I am and can deal with knowing that I can't be bothered to sit still for more than an hour or two...

I just found a note book and am using it to keep track of all of my To-Dos and lists. In the matter of minutes after I gave the book a purpose, I managed to fill the first few pages with household chores and packing lists for the upcoming weekend. Maybe with this notebook I will be able to find more time for enrichment. I recently realized that the best use of my lunch hour is to spend it reading as I never feel good about sitting on my couch with a book. A friend of mine just recommended me a few different On Demand exercise programs to help me with my goal of getting in shape. I think if I start waking up at 6 am every day rather than just the days I have to go running, I can get my body in tip top shape in the next month or so.

Let's keep my fingers crossed that I can keep everything moving and I don't have to sacrifice. I know that sacrifice is something that you are suppose to do when working towards a goal, but I am just not ready for that and would like to keep all this going as long as I possibly can.

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