Monday, April 12, 2010

Eeeeep! gLee is back!!

"did you get a new hair cut? It looks awful"

"no she's dead, this is her son"

"you may be two of the stupidest teens i ever encountered and that is something, i once taught a cheerleading seminar to a young sarah palin"

"take five everybody, drink a redbull"

"have a seat boy hips"

"sometimes i forget my middle name

Glee is back! I actually forgot some of the things that had occurred in the last episode and so it took a moment to get back into all of the crazy plot lines. A few minutes in, it was like there had never been a break. As excited as I was for the show to start up again, I will admit, I had higher hopes for the musical numbers. But at least next week is the all-Madonna episode...

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