Monday, July 13, 2009

Contemplating becoming a Cat Woman

I'm moving in a few weeks! My lease says I can have a cat. I have wanted a DOG forever, but there are two big obstacles there:

  1. I am not responsible enough (I don't exactly keep to a schedule
  2. My lease doesn't allow for it

But after hanging out with my New York/New Jersey friends I realize that cats aren't too bad if they are friendly. The Doctor, Rose and Ganandorf (aka the JERK) are pretty great cats and I would like having one like them. So I have been playing with the idea recently. I mean, it would be nice to have another thing in the apartment with me. It will be my first time living really on my own. When I had a single for a semester one year (my roommate went a little crazy and moved out of our room and created a forced triple with two other people - I think we all know who won in that situation), my parents bought me a talking donkey (from shrek) as they thought I would need someone to talk to...thanks parents. But yeah, maybe I would need someone to greet me when I get home.

So as I am thinking about this my friend (the same New York friend with the cats) goes to this cabin for the holiday weekend and takes a picture of this kitten who lives there and may need a home:

I want him. I also want to name him Jack (as in Jack Sparrow). He has a wonky eye and I think it is adorable. I might have to make a formal inquiry about him once I move...

1 comment:

  1. you should absolutely do it! that little wonky-eyed kitten is the sweetest thing you'll ever meet, i promise.
