Today was totally an ordinary day. Nothing particularly exciting happened. But for some reason I had an urge to dance. I think my need dates back to Saturday night. A friend of mine had her birthday celebration and in the invite there was mention of dancing. I had a phenomenal hot pink dress (complete with a tutu skirt) and HIGH heels. Totally ready to dance. The rain kind of put a damper on the plan as the bar didn't get crowded enough for the dance floor to pick up before I left. Then Sunday I did a little tv watching trying to let my body recover from the drinking. (For some reason "classy" beer likes make me hungover, it is kind of a pain)
As you may have heard, Ugly Betty has been banished to the least desirable time slot - Friday evenings! I figured I should watch episodes to see if I feel like I can handle yet another show on the DVR. Safe to say I can. One of the episodes features Betty having to find a date to a work party and in the end decides to attend by herself. Of course the final scene is of her dancing to Dancing with myself which is one of my favorite dance songs. I used to have to take the bus to work, I would often listen to it and dance on the corner. Those mornings I got a lot of smiles.
In addition to hearing that song on Sunday, I had pandora playing on my computer this afternoon and You can't stop the beat came on from Hairspray. If that isn't a catchy song is, I don't know what is. I mean
And so I'm gonna shake and shimmy it/The best that i can today/'Cause you cant stop/The motion of the ocean
Such a great beat. Try and listen to it and sit still. Dare you
With all this music bubbling up inside of me, I basically had to let loose. On the way home from the grocery store I 100% started to dance up the street. Arms flying, hips swaying, some hopping and possibly some head bobbing. One guy in his car at red light yelled out "hey girl, you look happy!" I had to reply "I am". There was just so much energy in my body. I did race back to the apartment and had a one person dance party to the 10 minute movie version of You can't stop the beat. Without my grocery bag on my shoulder I definitely had more free range of movement so hair flips and body waves were just all over my living room. I am thankful for my shag rug now for two reasons. It feels good on my feet, but it also absorbs the shock of me dancing and hopping around up here.
Yeah, I can't end this post without including the Glee version of Dancing with myself.
Today was a day for dancing. Therefore, today was a good day. I might just need to dance myself to bed now.
5 hours ago
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