Monday, November 16, 2009



If I see jelly fish in the ocean anywhere near me, I panic. I just cannot deal with them. Even though I know the clear ones don't sting, they are just so weird!! Sometimes they wash ashore along the coast and when you are strolling with friends while chatting, it is easy to put your foot down right on top of one. The squish and cold and ugh I can't even handle typing about something that hasn't even happened to me personally in years. Ick.

When ever it got unseasonably warm back home early on in the summer I felt both joy and dread all in one fell swoop. Joy, because that hopefully meant a great summer full of beach days, dread because that meant the jelly fish would be on the move and they would be coming to my beach. There is really nothing more depressing than going to the beach knowing there are tons of teeny tiny little jelly fish floating around out there. Well red tide is way worse and smells terribly, but if we only count situations that allow you to still swim, teeny jellies are up there.

Now what might be worse that teeny jellies? How about 450 pound ones!!! Well they are out there. Japan is being surrounded!

A blood-orange blob the size of a small refrigerator emerged from the dark waters, its venomous tentacles trapped in a fishing net had an article out about this crazy population of sea creatures. I would normally like to provide more quotes from this article but they really give me the willies. If you are braver than I, please go ahead, but be forewarned that these things are huge and really messing up the fishing industry! Yet another reason to shake our fists at our changing climate...

We need to end this post with some picture of jelly fish that I think are cute. The live in the aquarium. Please meet the upside down jelly fish:

Oh and let's also show some jelly fish ATTACK!!!!!!

This last picture might have been the inspiration for a potential tattoo. But I am not supposed to be thinking of adding any more ink to my body. My parents would not be very happy with me and I would like to keep their love and support right now. But seriously, don't you find the two jelly fish bouncing into each other kind of beautiful? Especially when they look like they are on fire!

**These pictures were taken by me at the Mystic Aquarium when I spent a very amusing weekend with two lovely ladies :)

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