Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thirst Quenched

At least for now.

I have officially finished watching the first two season of True Blood online. It was so engaging. Without ruining anything, I will say that the MaryAnn story line did drag on a bit more than I would have liked, but I did enjoy thinking about how anger, lust, and constantly acting on impulse can harm humanity.

At first glance the show is all about vampire sex and "fang bangers", but as you allow yourself to really get into the story lines and characters, you realize there is a lot more to the show. The major themes so far have been about obsession and balancing desires. One of the characters gets pulled into a cult religion, fortunately he realizes what is happening before getting tricked into doing something he would ultimately regret.

I don't want to get too into the show right now as I may have peaked your interest and I want to give you the chance to catch up yourself. Once the new season starts, be prepared to be spoiled :)

(I suggest using to find the episodes online if you don't have a netflicks subscription!)

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