It is a real shame what is going on over in CA. I haven't had much time to read CNN or any other "real" news source, but I did follow's coverage of the rallies and Supreme Court Ruling.
I can't believe that CA upheld Prop 8 this week. I was really hoping the state would see the error in its ways of reversing legalizing same-sex marriages. Not only is it the decent thing to do, marriage should not be limited to the man and woman kind of couple, but there are bigger issues that should be placed in spot light.
Like the fact that we are in a recession.
And oh, wait, gay marriage would help stimulate the economy. Just killed two birds with one stone. recently wrote an article which gave the statistic that since 2004 over 12,000 same sex couples have been married in Mass and pumped over $111 million into the state's economy!
The study that was used for the article also made mention that after the wedding many out of state couples will then opt to move into the state. Massachusetts is profiting off of other state's inability to evolve. Get with it! And yes, I am perfectly aware of the fact that RI has been dragging its feet far too long now.
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