Oh heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey.
Yeah, you may have seen me strutting my stuff to my iPod this afternoon. I just finalized my plans for my next apartment. Much to my parents excitement, I will be living on my own come August 1! Hint, hint to all you local readers, you WILL be called on to help with the move. :)
I had to go back up to the real estate place to resign some stuff, my guy made a typo in the original lease and the woman likes me so I had also cough up the last month's rent and half fee.
Since I was feeling so good and it was sooooo nice out I decided to walk home. In heels. Yep, that was a 2 plus mile walk in 3 plus inch purple heels. If I don't deserve a gold medal I don't know who does! I will also have to admit that I also enjoyed the looks I got when people saw me dancing down the street. The color combination alone brought out smiles. Picture this...kelly green dress, melon scarf, black footless leggings, topped off with bright purple 3.5 inch heels. Now picture this strutting and dancing to some B. Spears on her iPod. Yep, that is what most of Somerville got to witness this afternoon.
I will not play the hero in this story, my feet were a bit sore by the time I got home. But I do feel well rested and ready for my kickball game. Tonight I will be sporting a skull and cross bones themed outfit. Lots of black mixed in with the pink. We will be going for win numba 2, but I'm not holding my breath for an undefeated season.
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