I got invited to a bbq that was co-hosted by a kickball teammate. There were 13 of us there and we went through 35 forks during the course of the afternoon as we continously stuffed our faces. Personally I ate 2 hotdogs, half a steak and half a burger. We had brats, chicken, burgers, hot dogs, chicken sausage, steak and veggie burgers. Many shared the same goal of having some of everything. I was not quite up for that challenge as I had also had brownies, cookie pie, chips, pasta salad, grilled pineapple and booze in addition to my 2 hotdogs, half a steak and half a burger. I was very full but very satisfied.
This was a picture of the first time we loaded up the grill. This was done one more time. We ate all but maybe 10%. We all clearly love eating meat!
Food was not the only thing that occupied our time, we also had a ton of outdoor activities such as football, whiffle ball, and bocce. Personal pride point - I won my first game of Bocce and then came in dead last the next round. Hey, its hard to be perfect! There may have also been bubbles, and I may have had a bit too much fun trying to blow a bubble inside a bubble. (Suds were not the right consistancy to do fancy math bubbles)
As much fun as I had at the event, I think the best part of the day happened when I got home. There is nothing like getting home after an afternoon bbq and noticing that your skin has been kissed by the sun. Just a little pink, you know, when it craves just a bit of aloe lotion. I just felt like I was home...I think we may have finally hit the warm season here. Time to be a bit more proactive about protecting the Irish half of me.
Keeping my fingers crossed that this year will be filled with bbqs. Hey I got 3 in one weekend this month - that has to be a good sign, right?
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