Tuesday, May 26, 2009

mmmm margarita cupcake

I am completely aware that this pic has nothing
to do with what this post is really about...
I just thought it was cute.

If you live in the Davis Square area, you should know that Kickass Cupcakes has "happy hour" on the last Monday of the month. They give out free little cupcakes that are cocktail flavors.

I was given a hot tip about this event (due to the holiday it was pushed to today, all I can say is THANK GOD) and sped my ass up there after work. For some reason I was STARVING all day today. I think my body is under the impression it is going to get 4 pieces of meat every day...sorry to disappoint, not happening.

But off I went and tried two different cupcakes, unfortunately (and fortunately) I left my wallet at work so I was unable to purchase any additional cakes.

Of the two I tasted, the margarita cupcake was definitely the best. It had green frosting, making it easy to pick out, and there was even some salt sprinkled on top. Salt is by far my favorite part of the margarita. The salt and sweet played off each other wonderfully. I am not sure if I could have handled eating a bigger one, but the little taste was delightful!

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