A good deodorant is hard to find. Women's deodorant commercials often claim to work wonderfully and have stupid catch phrases like" strong enough for a man, but made for a woman". Yeah, that is a bunch of bull. Maybe my friends and I are just particularly sweaty individuals but we all have come to an agreement that most women's deodorants just don't work well enough. Even the perscription strength stuff seems to fall a little short.
I recently had a revelation and decide to switch to using men's deodorant. If the whole if it is strong enough for a man, I hope it is strong enough for me! So far, I have found that not only do they work better, but they also smell better. I don't particularly like smelling like baby powder or bathroom air freshner, thank you very much. It isn't like I feel like I now smell like a man either, I think I just smell clean.
For the record, Speedstick is excellent. I recently tried Right Guard, not such a big fan - doesn't keep you as dry -and think I should probably make the switch back. Yes that this is a bit of a TMI but I figured it was important to share my findings.
5 hours ago
Go with Old Spice High Endurance. "Pure Sport" or "Fresh" are the best!