Stuff White People Like claims that white people love to listen to NPR. I had never listened to NPR as a child, but recently I have begun incorporating it into my morning routine. What happened was I felt like everyone I knew would make references to NPR constantly, I thought I would give it a try but as I try not to drive I wasn't sure when I would have time to listen to the radio...the iPod does not have AM/FM, so it became a part of me morning. Now after I get out of the shower, I turn on my laptop to check my email accounts, the weather and turn on the morning news.
The POINT of this admission is that I heard a really interesting news story yesterday morning about allergies. The story claims that children are being diagnosed with food allergies that they do not have because parents are using results of preliminary blood tests as the official word. From what I gather, the blood tests will show if an individuals have indicators for an allergy, but those indicators do not mean the allergy is definitely there. Out of 125 children who were brought to this study 50% did not have the allergy that they were diagnosed with via the blood test! I know that 125 is a small sample size, but really? those results still make a statement.
I have had a hard time believing that children are as allergy and learning diabled filled as studies keep trying to prove. Obviously someone will be allergic to wheat, milk, or peanut butter, but what are the odds that there is such a high population that is allergic to all three? I mean these are just things I think about. Hopefully people are a little more careful about this stuff, I would hate to have to deny my child peanutbutter if it wasn't absolutely necessary...
1 hour ago
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