Thursday, March 12, 2009

You Stupid Slut. You God Damn Bitch

Heathers is one of my all time favorite movies.

It is a cult classic. If you haven't seen it, go rent it. Or better yet, ask me to borrow it and I will deliver it to you and then subsequently park my ass on your couch and watch it with you.

It is a dark comedy that is not for everyone, but growing up it was for me and my friends. We could quote most of the movie at age 14. Why am I talking about this masterpiece? That would be because I have read in numerous places that it is being made into a MUSICAL.

Currently, I am having mixed emotions about the press releases. They say that it is expected to hit Broadway in 2010. I know I will have to go see it if the show really goes on. I just hope it doesn't ruin the movie for me... Below is a clip for you to get a taste. Not my favorite scene, but a good one nonetheless.

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