Sunday, March 8, 2009

Clearly I love my family

While in the ICA I got a call from my uncle. He wanted a favor. A big favor. He prefaced the actual request with the fact that in return for my actions I would be rewarded with two bottles of wine that he and my aunt order by the case from the Finger Lakes region that I love. I obviously was a little apprehensive...

He then explains he wants me to go to Mike's Pastry to pick up his usual order. To an outsider, this seems like no big deal. Well, you would be wrong. I had to tell him to call me back as I did not have pen and paper readily available as I was in a museum viewing Fairey's work. When I got back to my friends apartment I got the call and was put in charge of retrieving the following:

14 fudge brownies
6 peanut butter browies
12 raspberry frosted cookies
+ something for myself

The something for myself turned into a fudge brownie and a zepoli. St Joseph's Day is around the corner so I figured the Zeppole should not be ignored. Do you know what all that would cost? I do.

Now unfortunately, my cousin's apartment is between the Heinze and Kenmore T stops so I had quite a bit of travelling ahead of me. It was exhausting. Those brownies are no light!

I will say my uncle was good on his word. Not only were there 2 bottles of wine with my name on them, but I also got a loaf of Garbage Bread. This is a family secret, and can only be found at my family's grocery store. I am currently enjoying both the bread and the wine as I type this. Yumm

And the answer would be $60.

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